East Aster
At East Aster we believe that we all have nature within us and that nature is intelligent. It is not something our society can define through reductionist approaches because the variables are so complex, but its simplicity is felt deeply as soon as we walk into the forest of step waist deep into the ocean. Our work is a reflection of this perspective. Our products are not made in a lab. Instead they are crafted by natures intelligence and then wrapped in scientific observation. Let’s create a new narrative for agriculture, urban landcare, and wild bioregions. Let’s make chemicals irrelevant in growing.
The Clean Witch
Seeking a more eco, health and Chi conscious lifestyle? The Clean Witch’s intention is to conjure our clients joy! Decluttering clears a path to invite energy in. Our Cleansing Potions and Spell Sprays brewed with eco-friendly ingredients, pure essential oils & intention, energetically clear and cleanse. Feng Shui, the art of arrangement, welcomes Chi, guides the energy and harmonizes space.